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Sunday School at 10 am
Sunday Service at 10:00 am
In-Person, Facebook Live, or Virtual
Fellowship Hour at 9 am
15370 Olive Blvd
Chesterfield, MO 63017

St. John’s United Church of Christ is a ‘Global Mission Congregation’ of the United Church of Christ, seeking to implement congregational awareness and related programs of participation that encompass the needs of our global community.
St. John’s Community Outreach
Giving Back In Faith
St John’s actively supports local needs in our St Louis community, outreach
across the United States, and global support through the UCC’s global outreach
known as “Our Church’s Wider Mission”. While we work to give back to our
communities, we receive much more through these efforts. It is often in our
mission work that we form the tightest bonds of friendship among our church
Environmental Stewardship
St John’s strives to provide environmental awareness to our members and community neighbors. Our native wildflower garden was certified as a “Wildlife Habitat” by the National Wildlife Federation. Flowers that are native to our area support native bees and other pollinators. As a member of Missouri Interfaith Power and Light we receive help in the promotion of clean energy usage by way of movies and Earth Day suggested readings. Adopt a Highway participation requires the organization of members to pick up litter along our portion of Olive Street at least four times a year.
Church World Service
The United Church of Christ participates in Church World Service through donations to areas of need across the world. Church World Service was born in the wake of the devastation of World War II. Seventeen Christian denominations came together to do what none of us could hope to do as well alone. At CWS, the principles of welcome, collaboration and dignity have spanned the decades and wrapped around the globe. Festival of Sharing and CROP walk are two annual CWS programs in which St. John’s participates. We also respond to more immediate crises, such as our March 2022 appeal for donations to help Ukrainian families
Loaves and Fishes
The goal of Loaves & Fishes, Inc., is to provide emergency homeless shelter for families with minor children, and to operate a food pantry. Their mission includes life skills classes, parenting classes, housing navigation, employment opportunities, food security, and other prevention services.
Our congregation presently provides 60 lunches per month and we plan to increase our efforts to provide further help in 2024
Emmaus Homes
At Emmaus Homes adults with developmental disabilities find the services, support and care they need to reach their highest potential. Through a variety of residential and recreational programs, Emmaus Homes is able to individualize care based on each clients’ needs, interests and goals. This is supported with gifts in kind, congregant donations, and fellowship opportunities for residents.
Circle of Concern
“Circle of Concern” is an area food bank, but they also offer financial support,
scholarships, job mentoring, children’s programs, and holiday events. In addition
to everyday food donations, our church collects and delivers holiday baking
supplies and donates funds toward the “Circle Holiday Adoptions”.
Habitat for Humanity
St. John's actively participates in Habitat for Humanity This organization, a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian housing ministry, works together with families in need to build affordable housing. Habitat is supported both with volunteer workers and with a pledged commitment of financial resources.
Disaster Relief
As need arises, our congregation responds to natural disasters by its giving through our National United Church of Christ Disaster Relief efforts, coordinated by UCC's Global H.O.P.E. (The Global H.O.P.E. team in United Church of Christ Wider Church Ministries brings together the UCC’s refugee and migration ministries, volunteer engagement, disaster response and recovery, and sustainable development support. The acronym H.O.P.E. makes clear the team’s vision: Humanitarian. Opportunities. Progress. Empowerment. Those who wish to contribute at any time may go online to: https://www.ucc.org/what-we-do/wider-church-ministries/global-hope/disaster/
Unleashing Potential
Unleashing Potential (UP) is a ministry of the United Church of Christ and Christian Church/Disciples of Christ. Their mission is to strengthen children, families, and communities through neighborhood centered, character building, life-changing programs that help create hope, health, and independence.
Lydia's House
At Lydia’s House abused women and children find sanctuary via transitional housing, comprehensive, goal-oriented support services, and access to community resources. St. John's has supported this ministry through collections
of items needed by its residents as well as helping with apartment cleaning and set-ups for incoming families.
Pringle Home
St. John's sponsors a child in the Pringle Home for Girls in Jamaica through the United Church of Christ Global Ministries. Our support of this child is another aspect of our commitment to be a Global Mission Congregation of the UCC.
Camp Mo-Val
Camp Mo-Val is an UCC-sponsored camp for children, youth and adults. Campers explore community and what it means to be part of a community, and have a chance to rekindle old friendships and make new ones. They experience new growth opportunities through the many available activities. St. John's offers monetary support from our congregation.
Every Child's Hope
Every Child’s Hope (ECH) was founded in 1858 as an orphanage for immigrant children who lost their parents in cholera outbreaks. As the needs of St. Louis children and families have evolved over the past century and a half, its services and programs have adapted to meet those ever-changing needs. While ECH is no longer an orphanage, caring for vulnerable children is still at the heart of each program. Since November of 2021 we have held a gift drive for their children’s gift “store” and have participated in the fulfillment of Christmas wishes of children and parents.